Our Services


Discovery project

Creating Terms of Reference and prototypes


TOR (Terms of Reference) - is a documentation that fully describes all the work on the project, all opinions are structured and set out on paper according to which the project will be developed in the future. Basic requirements to be considered / made for the project implementation. The technical documentation describes the requirements for the technical component of the project, the requirements for delivery, describes the desired / recommended / required technologies for development.
When developing the agile methodology, the technical task is replaced by user stories . User stories is a description of the script of user behavior on the site. This makes it clear to the customer and the customer what exactly should happen and how the user should behave on the site.

Prototype is a basic site layout that visualizes the location of all elements and functions. It allows you to visually illustrate all the ideas, as well as make changes at the cost of minimal effort and cost.
Why does the customer need a prototype site?
br> * visualization of ideas, ideas about the appearance of the future site in the early stages;
* opportunity to make changes and finalize the vision at the cost of minimum costs;
* the possibility of a more accurate assessment of the timing and budget of the full scope of work;
* understanding the prospects of use and development of the site, early discussion of hypotheses. not uncommon. There are also contradictions within the team, when each of the participants has his own vision. The prototype helps to visualize all the ideas and come to a compromise without having to redo the finished design.
Financial component - not the last argument in deciding on the future of the site. On a prototype it is possible to model various sets of functions of a site and to choose from them really necessary. This will reduce the payback period of the site and allow you to more accurately plan the budget for its creation. When developing the agile methodology, prototypes can be drawn on the planning stage. This is a fairly quick process and the team's brainstorming generates ideas and immediately transfers them "to paper".


Website development

From lending to e-shop


As our customers, we can always help you determine what works best for your business, whether it's landing or selling a product or products or the service they provide.
Also all kinds and difficulties of presentation and realization of business card sites , for the maximum disclosure of information about the work of our clients.
In particular, we can offer a variety of functional online stores , both from standard solutions to complex systems with a large number of integrations of various services, for maximum convenience and the benefits that this decision can bring to business.


Web app projects

Custom projects based on REST API, GraphQL and more


For our clients, we provide a wide range of assistance in organizing their ideas and technologies with which you can implement almost anything.
We have extensive experience in developing any system, both web and mobile. Which give:
* Reliability;
* Speed;
* Convenience;
* Comfort to use.
Both employees and clients of our clients.
We have a large team of specialists who are capable of great things.

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Mobile app project

Cross platform applications on ReactNative


Mobile applications created with ReactNative technology are cross-platform, which means that the same code is written on two platforms Android and iOS , which speeds up project development.
This technology was launched by Facebook and is currently in the top ranking of the most used technologies for the development of mobile hosting.
ReactNative - great for developing any business ideas, for testing hypotheses in startups

What ways of collaboration are right for you?

  1. Fix budget

    If you already have a technical task - we count, set the price and deadlines for development. If you do not have specifications or terms of reference, we can help you compile them.

  2. Time & material

    Such cooperation will be effective for you when you do not know all the details of the project and will constantly make adjustments to the terms of reference.
    Also when you have an existing project that needs to be constantly changed and improved, but the amount of work is less than hiring a team per month.
    Another possible way to use a project would be to use third-party services and we can't estimate development time at some point.

  3. Cost plus

    You enjoy working with a specific employee of our team - let's work together in this way. For regular customers, whom we can already consider our partners, we are honest and openly show the cost and add value to the "service" of a team member.

  4. Dedicated Team

    You need a full team to work on your project / startup - this model of cooperation is just for you.
    As a result, a full team of developers, managers, testers is formed. This formed team will work only with you and we will not use it for other needs.

  5. Outsourcing business process

    Do you want to try IT as a business model? Or your business has grown to the point where you need your own IT department. We will help you with this. We will equip the office, select equipment, configure software, hire qualified employees, issue job descriptions, prescribe business processes and determine the KPI. All you have to do is come to the office and enjoy your new team.
